Dojo Wudan
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Easy Fat Loss

Fat loss guide

You might know about intermittent fasting, which is a state that your body taps into after around 16 hours of hunger. Your body starts to burn fat in your body instead of the carbohydrates that you eat normally.

Everybody knows that and its effects; what I would add to it is intermitent walking. Basically, when you are in that fasting state, you walk.

  • When you wake up, 15 minutes of walk
  • After eating 15 minutes of walk
  • At the end of fasting, 15 minutes of walk. Easy.

Train your abs and do the resistance workouts as always, if you can do them in fasted state, that would be great.

Also here is the easiest intermitent guide ever:

Stop eating around 6PM.

Start eating around 6PM following day. Break your fast with very lean protein. After an hour or so, you can eat some carbs and a lots of fat.

Then start the cycle all over again.

The most important take you will gain from this is being metabolically flexible, your body can tap into any energy source whenever you need. So you will not need to feed every couple hours. You can even fast whole day and eat only once, and you will be more energetic, healthier, leaner than the other people. Just be sure your meals are is full of protein and healthy fat.

Lets go eat some huge fatty rare steak!