Dojo Wudan
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Affirmations And Praying

Most of the time people laugh at affirmations, but the thing is they work, they really work in mysterious ways, and we will be looking at how to make it work.

Let’s talk about some ways and how to do them.

  1. All of the affirmations should be present tense. Because the mind does not know what is past or what is future. You should always say, I am, I do, I feel, etc. Also, the words you say are really important. For example, never say I will not eat chocolate, your mind will be fixated on the chocolate, it is like if I tell you not to think about a pink elephant, you will think about a pink elephant. So instead say, I am disciplined, I do eat mindfully. Better right?
  2. Feel the emotions of your words. Just saying words will not work, you have to be intense about them. The easiest way is to look at what you are feeling when you wake up, people are mostly psyched about something in the mornings, let’s say about sport. They feel so energetic and say ok, I will go to the gym every day for next month. Ok so our affirmations will be, I am disciplined, I am strong, I feel the need for the workout. And with that intense feeling. It will work!
  3. Consistency and repetition. It will not work if your mind is not into it. Thus you have to repeat it as much as possible, repeat all day, or even listen all day. To do that, record your affirmations when you feel it. And even record them over the songs you love and make them 432Hz. It will be great to induce your mind with your affirmations, and soon enough these songs will be magical to make you motivated.
  4. Try to get hyped up. These are your affirmations, these are the blueprint of what kind of person you are going to be, so get hyped up. If you can, just shout at them! Another way is when you get up, in front of the mirror, brush your teeth with your nondominant hand, and say these to yourself while looking at yourself. This method will construct new neural ways. So it is very important not to say anything negative to yourself.
  5. Feel who you wanna be. Let’s say you want to be rich, saying I am rich will not be enough. Just the words are useless. You have to feel what is like to be rich. How do you think rich feel, how would you feel if you were richer?
  6. To get the advantage of the morning spell, when you wake up, for a short period, your mind is ready to be affected, and hyped, so it is the greatest time to write your spells. So this is the time when you write your affirmations.
  7. When you ask these from God, be grateful. God is the one who imagined you and created you out of nowhere. God owes you nothing, you owe God everything you ever felt, had, imagined, every single thing. So beware of that, be humble, be grateful, and ask for forgiveness and guidance. Then say your affirmations, this is the true way of praying.