Acidity and Alkality
To stay healthy, it is suggested to keep the human body in an alkaline state, an acidic environment is believed to be conducive to the growth of germs and bacteria, raising the risk of developing diseases. Naturally occurring foods, present since the beginning, tend to be alkaline, while man-made (GMO) foods are generally considered acidic when consumed.
It is extremely important to get meat from an animal whom did not suffer. Because when they see other animals butchered or they suffered, the adrenaline and cortisol increases in their blood. And with the meat we consume these, and this keep us in a heightened state of survival mode associated with the root chakra.
Also the flesh of the today’s world is contaminated with vaxines which polutes the blood of the animal. Even the grass they are eating is sprayed with chemicals and makes their meat toxic, and their milk is acidic.
How to eat correctly
- Ensure you chew enough to make the food liquid.
- Establish a consistent daily eating schedule so that body can optimize its cycles.
- Avoid eating after sunset as sunlight aids various bodily functions.
- Refrain from combining different types of food.
- Allow four hour gap between your last meal and bedtime.
- Eat once a day.
- Fast one day a week
- Avoid GMO
Alkaline food examples:
- Apples
- Seeded oranges
- Key limes
- Cherries
- Small ginger
- Cherry tomatoes
- Mushrooms
- Thyme
- Blueberries
- Grapes
- Olives
- Baby bananas
- Bell Peppers
- Basil
- Dates
- Watermelon
- Cayenne pepper
- Sea salt
- Seaweed
- Chocho
- Walnuts
- Pumpkin
Acidic food examples:
- Tumeric
- Bananas
- Green beans
- Soy beans
- Pineapple
- Potatoes
- Meat (better one is fish)
- Anything seedless
- Carots
- Peanuts
- Corn
- Chestnuts
- Radish
- Applecider viniger
- Tofu
- Broccoli
- Kiwi
- Lettuce